Sunday, 8 November 2015

Leadership Courage; Are you Progressive?

I’ll start with a quote by Jim Kouzes ‘Only those leaders who act boldly in time of crisis would be willingly followed’

Leaders love progress. Progress is what keeps them coming back to the task. Nothing is more discouraging to a leader than the prospect of being stranded in an environment where progress is impossible. if we cant move things forward, then its time to move on. Progress requires change. If an organization, business, ministry or relationship is going to make progress,  it must evolve into something different. It must become better, more relevant, more disciplined, and better aligned.

But organizations, like people resist change. As the Author of ‘The Leadership Challenge’ pointed out, ‘leaders must challenge the process precisely because any system will unconsciously conspire to maintain the status quo and prevent change.’ Organizations seek equilibrium, people in organizations seek stability. Both can be deterrents to progress because progress requires change and change is viewed as the antithesis of stability.

Keep in mind that everything you loath about your current environment or organization was originally somebody’s good idea. At the time it might have even been considered revolutionary. To suggest change is to suggest that your predecessors lacked insight or worse that your current supervisor doesn’t get it! Consequently, its easier to leave things as they are, to accept the status quo and learn to live with it.

While that may be easier, its not an option for a leader. Accepting the status quo is the equivalent of a death sentence. In my opinion, where there’s no progress there’s no growth, if there’s no growth, there’s no life. Environment void of change is void of life. So leaders find themselves in this precarious and often career jeopardizing position of being the one to draw attention to the need for change.

Consequently, courage is a non-negotiable quality for the next generation leaders who will shape the future and change to world.
To be continued    

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